Robert Cairns DA

Robert Cairns DA

Robert (Bert) was born in Airdrie, Scotland, in 1949. He passed away in January 2012, and will always be missed by those who knew him.

He studied at Grays School of Art, Aberdeen, from 1967 to 1972, and  in his postgraduate year was awarded a travelling scholarship to France and Italy. The Drawings and Paintings reflect the artist’s interest in Scottish, French and Italian coastlines, countryside and townscape, and were produced on site in his distinctive style, using a wide range of media. Having made frequent contributions to local and national exhibitions as well as a teaching career spanning 30 years, he completed successful  “ONE MAN” exhibitions and residences both at home, and abroad.

This gallery is an archive of Bert’s work, and exists for those who love his work as much as he loved producing it.